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Refunds will only be provided for overpayments. No refunds may be issued throughthis site. For information regarding refunds for orders processed on this site, pleasecontact the Barbour County license office at (334) 775-8371 or jgardner@barbourcountyclayton.com.
All readers of the Tom Slade and the Roy Blakeleybooks are acquainted with Pee-wee Harris. These storiesrecord the true facts concerning his size (what there is ofit) and his heroism (such as it is), his voice, his clothes,his appetite, his friends, his enemies, his victims. Togetherwith the thrilling narrative of how he foiled, baffled, circumventedand triumphed over everything and everybody(except where he failed) and how even when he failed hesucceeded. The whole recorded in a series of screams andtold with neither muffler nor cut-out. 041b061a72